Saturday, June 2, 2007

Effects of global warming

Al Gore's fighting global warming !

Al gore, who is an American politician and environmentalist, was the first politician who understood the seriousness of climate change because of global worming. Therefore, he showed us the inconvenient truth about it. In this clip he talked about his expectations of global warming and what will happen because of it. Also he showed some examples of what happened because of it. Additionally, he talked about greenhouses and how it is useful to reduce the affection of global worming. Another thing that was shown by him is the increasing of CO2 level in the air and how it will be harmful in the future.

My Summary about the global warming

In summary, I think that the concern is man kind is changing, and we made this serious problem by thickening the greenhouse blanket by using new process in the industries. The main cause of the global warming is the human activities by burning oil coal and gas in the industries after that the natural greenhouse effect. Nowadays we are facing the fact of the global warming effects, the earth is getting warmer than it’s been and the North Pole has started to melting away, which it rise the seas level. The world is under threat and the sooner we start to fix this problem the better off we will all be. Many countries have started to fix the problem by reducing the pollution.

The UAE VS Global warming

The UAE has started to fight global warming by reducing the air pollutions, and other solutions. They are planning to use clean energy from the sun through a new generation of solar panels, instead of using harmful energy by burning gas and oil. Also they are building a new public transformation in Dubai such as train, so most of people use the trains instead of using private cars. A major achievement in recent years has been a dramatic reduction in the flaring of gases from onshore and offshore oilfields. In 1995, some 250m cubic feet of gas a day were flared in Abu Dhabi. Today, we are down to 56m - a 78% reduction in just five years. Our objective is a zero flaring policy. In conclusion, I think that the UAE is doing their best to fix this problem because the stacks are high for us, and for our planet.

Global wamning in the UAE

The UAE faces the fact of global warming, in light of new scientific evidence supporting the threat of global warming, that the United Arab Emirates will likely undergo extreme changes as a result of climate change. In the Middle East, we have a special need to pay attention to these warnings. Many of the countries of the region are low-lying and short of water, and we are under threat from rising sea levels and desertification. By the end of this century, sea levels could rise by as much as 88cm. This could flood in the coastal areas in the UAE. According to the Gulf News Climate change is affecting bird’s behavior, with some migratory birds even failing to migrate at all.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Climate Change

Climatic change is a serious threat on the earth that caused by the global warming. Climate change, more commonly known as global warming, is caused by the emission of heat trapping gases produced by vehicles, power plants, industrial processes and deforestation. As these gases build up, they act like a big blanket, over-heating the planet and threatening our health, our economy and our environment.

There are some Research shows that the world has now become warmer than at any time during the past 1000 years. Over heating will increase over the next year’s cause of the emissions of heat-trapping gases, so it better for the government to start to take action and reduce the industrial activity.

Effects of Global Warming

In fact global warming has many dangerous effects on the earth, and now I am going to mention some of them.

Through the years, global warming has caused the melting of polar ice caps. This causes the sea level to rise, and there have been many ice ages throughout the earth's history. When they come to an end, vast deposits of melting ice cause sea levels to rise rapidly. Another effect caused by global warming is over heating the planet because the heat-trapping gases emitted by power plants, automobiles, deforestation and other sources are warming up the planet. In fact, the five hottest years on record have all occurred since 1997 and the 10 hottest since 1990, including the warmest year on record – 2005. Also Climate change, more commonly known as global warming, is caused by the emission of heat trapping gases produced by vehicles, power plants, industrial processes and deforestation.

In conclusion, I would say that people should introduce strategies to reduce the effect of global warming to reduce its effects for example avoiding cutting down trees and CFC replacement and replacing organic with inorganic chemicals etc.
We should try and apply these strategies to make our world a healthy clean world.