Saturday, June 2, 2007

The UAE VS Global warming

The UAE has started to fight global warming by reducing the air pollutions, and other solutions. They are planning to use clean energy from the sun through a new generation of solar panels, instead of using harmful energy by burning gas and oil. Also they are building a new public transformation in Dubai such as train, so most of people use the trains instead of using private cars. A major achievement in recent years has been a dramatic reduction in the flaring of gases from onshore and offshore oilfields. In 1995, some 250m cubic feet of gas a day were flared in Abu Dhabi. Today, we are down to 56m - a 78% reduction in just five years. Our objective is a zero flaring policy. In conclusion, I think that the UAE is doing their best to fix this problem because the stacks are high for us, and for our planet.


Ahmed Ali said...

Mohammed it’s very nice and useful information, I think my fried it’s the best of the best artic in the global warming

Mohamed said...

thank you Ahmed for passing by, I hope it was very usefull =D